Psst. Hey you. We’re already a good way through January. How do the “New Year-Resolution,” “New Year, New Me,” and “This year-I’m-going-to...” mantras feel? If you’ve been following through on all your resolutions but still feel heavy, I’m here to tell you, IT. IS. OK.
We often see the new year as a fresh start, jumping in with plans and goals to make the most of it. And if you took part in the Let There Be Challenge, you likely started strong. But sometimes, that energetic start feels more like you just took a long jump into quicksand.
For those who entered 2025 with a heavy heart, let me encourage you that this, too, shall pass. You’re on the right path not just because God works all things together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28) but because long-suffering is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). A season of God-induced suffering is evidence that the Holy Spirit is working in your life. It’s precisely where you want to be, even if it doesn’t feel like it.
How do we suffer well? Here are a few strategies I use when heaviness threatens to overtake me:
1) Read your Bible. This is how we encourage ourselves in the Lord (1 Sam 30:6). Not sure where to start? Google the struggle. Some examples: “Who was an entrepreneur in the Bible?” “Show me a wife who overcame fertility issues,” and“Where in the Bible is there a good husband besides Boaz?” Let the ancient accounts of the Bible deliver hope, healing, and restoration.
2) Think new thoughts. It’s easy to spiral into negativity. Instead, Paul encourages us to “fix your thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy” (Philippians 4:8 NLT).
3) I’m going to use the “S” word here (go ahead and clutch your pearls). Surrender. Yep, I said it. Exchange your weakness for His strength. Cry it out if you need to. We only need a little of God’s grace to make it through. Remember the promise that His power works best in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Take Jesus’ example from the Garden of Gethsemane (Matt 26:36-46) and cry out to God. You weren’t created to do this in your strength.
4) Declare and decree on your behalf. God has given us dominion and the spiritual authority to co-create our reality with Him in the earthly realm. Sit with the Holy Spirit and ask His plan to counter the heaviness. Decree that you will overcome. Decree that better days are ahead, that God's will be done and that you’ll emerge stronger.
Remember: God promises never to leave nor forsake us. Ask the Holy Spirit to minister to you in new ways, to heal you fully so you can walk in the purpose He predestined for you before you were formed in your mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5, Jeremiah 29:11).
Happy Suffering :)