Hi, I'm Dr. Briana Whiteside
Founder and Creator of
The 40-day Let There Be Challenge
2021 was an extremely difficult year. I would go as far as to say that it was probably one of the worst I’ve had in a long time. Due to the many hardships I experienced, I felt defeated and angry. On November 20th, 2021, Holy Spirit prompted me to make 40 decrees and speak each for the rest of the year. Though I didn't understand why, I began on Nov 22nd and pasted the list on my mirror. Keep in mind that I’m still in a defeated place. Yet, He challenged me to speak into the atmosphere for 40 days, and I reluctantly took up the challenge.
At the end of the 40 days, I expected to see a major demonstration of things manifest in my life. Do you want to know what happened? Nothing. Not one thing.
However, I remember telling my friend around early January, "I hear something in the spirit coming towards me." A surprise of sorts.
Long story short: 39 of the 40 decrees came to pass in 2022.
It was then that I learned the Kingdom of God is voice activated.
The Let There Be Challenge is more than a challenge, it is a legislative movement.