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Writer's pictureDr. Bri

You're More Powerful than You Know

Dear Friend,

Happy Tuesday! I'm just letting you know you are more powerful than you know. Sometimes, things happen that steal our correct perception of ourselves in life.

You may experience a devastating breakup.

You may experience the loss of a family member.

You may not have had the childhood you desired.

You may have lost your job.

(Insert whatever your challenge is here)

As a result of life life-ing, our ability to see ourselves properly takes a hit. I know this has happened to me more times than not. Wbu?

Then there's the other side where you've done your work, and you're following God, but things have gotten a little more challenging. As a result of your obedience, hell has launched a full-on attack against you, and you feel the warfare.

Unfortunately, following God does not stop the pain or attacks from happening, but it does mandate that He protects us.

I've been experiencing a lot of warfare under the guise of fatigue for a few weeks now. While I know that everything I have going on contributes to tiredness, I'm clear that this is not the usual stuff. I was experiencing hell trying to wear me out to prevent me from advancing.

Since I am clear about what's happening, this morning, as I prayed, I stood in my authority as a daughter and took control of the situation.

(If you haven't watched the latest teaching on Kingdom prayers, then you should check it out.)

First, I prayed in the Holy Spirit to loosen up the ground and strengthen myself. Then I recited John 4:7 9 NIV)

"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

I didn't yell or scream. I simply said, "Father, you have called me to do great work for you, and I have submitted myself unto you. Your word says that if I do this and resist the devil, he will flee from me."

Immediately, I felt the heaviness and tiredness begin to ease up. Afterward, I proceeded to pray using the Kingdom prayer template, and then I was done. Nothing too deep, just a daughter standing in her power and rightful authority as a Kingdom citizen.

I tell you this story to remind you of the power you have. If you believe God and take Him at His Word, the Word will work for you. However, you must first believe, and that's likely the most challenging step for many of us.

Nevertheless, don't give up hope. Don't stop exercising your right as a Kingdom citizen. You're certainly more powerful than you know.


If you haven't checked out any of the podcast episodes, then check out the first 3 here.

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