King Dharius the Mede was an interesting man. He once made an irrevocable decree based on poor counsel—one that led an innocent man, Daniel, into a dangerous predicament (Daniel 6:6-14) Despite his power, Dharius couldn’t undo his words. His authority couldn’t save Daniel from the lion’s den, and I imagine how many times he wished he could go back and change his decree.
As I meditated on Daniel 6, the Holy Spirit spoke to me about the power of God's decree: When the Lord speaks:
1. He never speaks haphazardly. God doesn’t speak on a whim. Unlike humans, He doesn’t use His Words by trial and error. His words are always intentional and purposeful. He is not fickle, unlike man who is quick to change his mind (Numbers 23:19)
2. His words have a purpose. He sends forth words on a mission or assignment and they cannot leave the earth until they accomplish that which He sent them forth to do. God is so intentional with His words and has programmed them such that it is illegal for them to return to Him unfulfilled or empty. (Isaiah 55:10-11)
3. His words create: When the Lord speaks His words birth realities, worlds and new possibilities (Genesis 1, Psalm 33:9)
4. His words birth covenant. When He promised Abraham that He'd rescue his many descendants from slavery, He remembered and did so (Genesis 15:13-14, Exodus 2:24). He also remembered Sarah and Hannah and gave them children (Genesis 18:14, Genesis 21:1) For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘yes’ in Christ. And so through him the ‘Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God (2 Corinthians 1:20)
5. His word IS trustworthy. His word is right and true. We can rely on it fully, experiencing His justice and mercy (Psalm 33:4) His word is so trustworthy that He invites us to test it (Malachi 3:10)
During this challenge, stand on business. Stand on what the Lord has spoken about you in Scripture, in dreams, and through prophecy. Don’t stay silent, waiting for the King’s decrees to be fulfilled. The Kingdom of God is voice-activated—pray the King’s decrees as found in Scripture through.
I pray the Lord fills your spirit man with the understanding that heaven and earth may pass away, but His words will never fail (Matthew 24:35)
Step into your kingdom authority and dominion as you partner with the Lord to see His will done on earth as it is in heaven. Go Deeper with Dr Bri's new book, Words and Authority. Explore how your words are tools for legislating in the spirit. Grab your signed copy or ebook today!