5 Facts About The Bible That Might Make You Uncomfortable
The Bible is an important book for many people, as it contains stories and teachings that are foundational to many of the world's religions. Indeed, it is considered to be sacred by millions of people, and provides guidance on how to live ethically, spiritually, and with a kind and humble heart. It is also a source of comfort for many, offering comfort and peace in times of difficulty. Ultimately, the Bible is an important book because it speaks to us in powerful and meaningful ways, providing us with meaningful insight on how to live a purposeful life.
However, how much do you actually know about the book you read and follow?
Fact #1 - The Bible Wasn't Written To You
· The Bible is a historical text that wasn’t written to you but for you. In fact, it was written to specific people of a particular culture. Many in the West struggle with the text because we are unfamiliar with the Bible’s people and their culture.
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Fact #2 - The Bible Was Originally Written In 3 Ancient Languages
· Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew were the original languages of the Bible. Ancient Hebrew was the language of the ancient Israelites and the language in which most of the Old Testament was penned. Ancient Aramaic originated among the Armenians in northern Syria and was used by the Assyrians. By the time the gospels were written, many Jews didn’t speak Hebrew anymore because Rome had conquered Greece, and the influence of Greek culture spread through the empire. I mention the languages because things get lost in translation. Since words don’t seamlessly transfer their meaning from one language to the next, it can be challenging to fully grasp the meaning of some words or passages.
"The Bible is really not a religious book but a divine manual written by the manufacturer of humanity by which the product man is supposed to live. If we learn those principles and obey them, then we find that the process of failure to success becomes more inevitability than experiment." – Dr. Myles Munroe
Fact #3 - There Were No Original Chapter Divisions
· Each book was written without any breaks from beginning to end. Chapter divisions were first incorporated, then verse divisions followed. Some scholars suggest that some chapters were divided incorrectly, which could cause literacy problems.
Fact #4 - There Are Over 20 Authors
· The Bible is a canon of texts composed of documents, letters, poems, songs, and prophecies, and there were over 20 authors. The multiple authors could explain the tonal shifts, ideologies, and focused content. By mentioning this, I’m in no way challenging the credibility of the Bible because I believe it is the inspired word of God. I want you to know more about the text you read.
Fact #5 - King James' Decision Was Political
· In 1604, England’s King James I authorized a new translation of the Bible aimed at settling some religious differences in his kingdom—and solidifying his power. Long story short, the current accepted “standard” version of the Bible (KJV) was canonized by a man who wanted power and not because he cared so much for the faith.
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