My planner has a section that asks you to write a scripture that encourages you. So I started thinking about some of my favorite scriptures, but I thought to myself that those scriptures do not encourage me right now.
What encourages me right now is this:
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not” Galatians 6:9 KJV.
And here’s why- I’m struggling!
There is one really big ask that God hasn’t answered yet, and I added it to my “Let There Be” Declarations. Of course, I am excited about them all, and I can’t wait to see how God brings them to pass because I believe He has heard me. I believe that my words have started a spiritual war so that I can see it happen on Earth as it has already been done in Heaven (Matthew 6:10). I believe that putting on the full armor of God is quenching the fiery darts of the enemy (Eph 6:12-16). I believe that Michael and all the other angels up there are fighting on my behalf (Daniel 10:13). I believe this, too, has come so that it can pass. I believe that this thing will be a testimony so good that it will bring others to Jesus.
Yet, even though I believe all of those things, I also feel like, “well where is my blessing?”
Then, I heard some testimonies from last year’s Let There Be Challenge. I heard how Dr. Briana testified that she saw her declarations come to pass over the last two years. Then I heard Matthew Perry’s testimony. I’m referring to an interview that surfaced after he passed, where he admits to asking God to please make him famous and got the Friends job three weeks later. Then, when he was deep in his addiction two years later, he asked God to please save His life, and God did that, too. I also heard Jackie Hill Perry’s testimony where she prayed, “God, I don’t know how to do this. If you want me to be like you, you have to do it.” And she was changed! So I asked, “God, what about me? I’m praying, fasting, declaring, believing, and it hasn’t happened for me!” But then I remembered:
• God is no respecter of persons (Colossians 3:25)
• All things work together for the good of them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28)
He is the same God for them as He is for me. And you. So if He did it for them, He can also do it for me. And you! Because He promises to work out everything for the good of those who love Him, you can rest assured that if a situation doesn’t look good, He’s not finished working on it yet. DON’T GROW WEARY!
So instead of worrying about when you will get your blessing (especially that one BIG thing), I encourage you to think about honest things that are just, that are pure, that are lovely, and of good report (Philippians 4:8). That’s where we need to be instead of focusing on “why I haven’t gotten the blessing,” or wondering what you need to do to get it. NO! Ask, “what can I do to be more like God?” and “God, please change my heart in this season.” Encourage yourself by saying I AM going to reap a harvest. All I have to do is not give up.
Keep fasting. Keep praying. Keep believing. Keep declaring. DON’T GROW WEARY!