Destiny and purpose is calling out to the determined woman in this hour. Does she perceive this call?
The Hebrew word for determined is Strong’s H553 āmēṣ , which definitions include to be strong, alert, courageous or brave. It also means to strengthen, secure (for oneself), make firm, to be determined, to make oneself alert, strengthen oneself, confirm oneself, persist in, prove superior to or to exhibit strength, be strong, feel strong.
Life dealt Ruth and Orpah the same deck of cards. Both lost their husbands after 10 years of marriage, lived through a famine and had to count the cost of relocating to Judah which was unfamiliar territory to them as Moabites (Ruth 1:4-13).
They started out with the same resolve to follow their mother-in-law Naomi back to Judah to escape the famine in Moab (Ruth 1:10). Despite their initial faith and courage, they were confronted with true hard facts about their decision to relocate. When reality slapped each of them in the face, it was neither pretty nor practical (Ruth 1:11–13). Each of them stood at the precipice of a destiny changing decision that had only two outcomes. It could either be the best or worst decision either made their entire life.
Orpah’s courage quickly dwindled after analyzing the facts and so she chose to go back to
Moab, the familiar (Ruth 1:14). Ruth on the other hand, fully aware of the gloomy consequences of following Naomi to Judah obstinately decided that would rather die trying. Naomi was so offended by Ruth’s seemingly reckless faith and optimism to the point she decided to be silent on the matter. (Ruth 1:15-18). A determined woman’s faith and resolve is offensive.
We later on read about how Ruth went on to meet Boaz and part of her reward from the Lord
for being determined was being mentioned in Jesus’ lineage. We don't know whether Ruth received a prophetic word or dream or something that caused her to remain resolute.
Destiny and purpose is birthed by determined women. Women who are willing to pay the price to become daughters of God (Romans 8:19-22). The Lord has made various promises to you in Scripture. Perhaps He's given you dreams and prophecies that communicate His will and plans over your life. He's so determined/ decided about His will, plan and purpose for you that He has decreed in Isaiah 55: 11 that any word that goes out from His mouth will not return to Him void but it shall accomplish what He desires and it shall achieve the purpose for which He sent it.
Isaiah 40:13-14 goes on to further demonstrate how decided the Lord - whose ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9) - is about His plans by asking who can understand His mind, advice or teach Him what He knows?
From Ruth’s determination, we can learn how to :
● Step out in faith and follow the Lord’s leading and directions (Psalms 37:23)
● Hold fast to the assurance God has provided through His promise and oath. Don't
waiver because it has entered into your mind and understanding that it's impossible for
God to lie (Hebrews 6:16-19, Numbers 23:19)
● Spend time in the secret place. Wage war with the word of the Lord (1Timothy 1:18) Pray the word and prophecies through to see their manifestation because it’s not enough to
just receive dreams and prophecies and sit on them.
● Prepare for your promise because you only prepare for what you believe. You can't
operate from a place of ignorance so diligently pursue knowledge and wisdom. Ask the
Holy Spirit to empower you.
There is a sense of urgency when it comes to God’s kingdom agenda. This is why now more
than ever it's paramount that you step into your destiny. The enemy will of course try to resist
you but be determined to take a hold of the portion alloted to you by God in the land (Ecclesiastes 5:9)