The pain shocks you.
It feels like your heart is turning against you to attack itself.
You're drowning, and it feels like there is no chance for air again.
You can catch your breath. Yes.
It hurts to think about it. Them.
Here's what you'll lose: The memories. The laughter. The connection. The secrets. The hope of forever.
I want to be honest about this.
There's no more time.
Letting go can be difficult because we often form strong emotional attachments to people and things. Whether it is friendships or intimate relationships, the truth is that we become so invested in a person or a situation that it can be hard to let go and move on.
Moving on without them is never fun.
Some of the memories and the feelings were pleasant.
It feels like we are giving up on them.
On yourself.
But you're not giving up.
In fact, you're demonstrating that you care for both you and them. You have so much to gain on the other side of this challenging situation. You must keep this in mind.
Here are a few steps that might help you as you journey forward.
1. Communicate your feelings to the other person.
Talk about what you need from the relationship and why it's not working out. Express yourself honestly and openly, and give the other person a chance to do the same.
Communicating your feelings to others is important because it creates an open and honest relationship. Sharing your feelings with them will allow them to understand you better and your perspective on things. Honestly, this can benefit your mental health and well-being in the long run because you're gaining the confidence to have difficult discussions.
2. Make a plan for how you will move on.
Set out specific goals and steps that you can take to move forward and leave the relationship in the past. This could include things like deleting the other person's contact information, deleting any reminders of them, or even joining a support group for people who have gone through similar experiences.
Making a plan to move on is crucial because it allows us to set a goal, break it down into achievable steps, and take action to create positive change in our lives. It can help you to focus on what you need to do to reach your objectives, stay on track, and make progress. It also helps to give you clarity and motivation to make the necessary changes to move forward. Planning is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety by providing a sense of control over your situation.
3. Spend time with people who love you.
Focus on yourself and the things in life that bring you joy, and don't isolate yourself. Spend time with people who make you feel positive and empowered and encourage you to be your best self.
This is a very important step because it helps to strengthen relationships, create meaningful memories, and boost your overall happiness and well-being. In addition, it gives you a chance to share more positive experiences as you're grieving, make positive connections, and show appreciation for those still in your life.
Be sure to meet me on YouTube tomorrow at 5pm, PST