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Bree Orata
Oct 20, 20233 min read
Every Believer Is An Influencer
Growing up, many of us wanted to be doctors, lawyers, accountants and (very rarely) teachers. As times have changed, it's not surprising...
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Dr. Bri
Oct 18, 20232 min read
Mutual Consent: How We Participate in Evil or Godly Covenants
The concept of mutual consent is a fundamental aspect of human relationships and interactions, and it also plays a significant role in...
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Pam Orata
Oct 13, 20233 min read
Give Me A Man
From 1 Samuel 17, we see that Goliath presented an insurmountable problem to King Saul and the Israelite army as they battled with the...
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Bree Orata
Oct 2, 20234 min read
When parents play, children pay
When I discovered I was going to be a mom, I knew that life was going to significantly change. As the pregnancy wore on and the dust...
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Pam Orata
Sep 29, 20234 min read
God Works in Strange Ways
God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). In Psalms 34:19-22, the Lord promises to deliver the...
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Dr. Bri
Sep 28, 20232 min read
Here Comes Your Replacement
Dear Friend, I know we like to think that we have all the time in the world to do what God has called us to do, but that isn't true. In...
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Bree Orata
Sep 22, 20233 min read
Dear Daughter
Today’s blog post was borne out of reflections and meditations I heard while attending a women-led prayer revival meeting recently. I...
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Dr. Bri
Sep 21, 20232 min read
Embracing Prophetic Times and Seasons
In the grand tapestry of human history, there are moments when the divine intersects with the earthly, and prophetic times and seasons...
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Dr. Bri
Sep 20, 20232 min read
The Kingdom Isn't For Everyone
Dear Friend, In Matthew 13:11, Jesus speaks about the kingdom of heaven in a way that might initially seem puzzling: "He answered them,...
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Dr. Bri
Sep 19, 20233 min read
Embrace God's Prosperity and Ascension For Your Life
Dear Friend, In the journey of faith, we often find ourselves at a crossroads where we must make important life decisions. These...
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Pam Orata
Sep 18, 20233 min read
How to Contend for the Manifestation of God’s Promises
Recently, during a fast, the Lord instructed me to pray for my new season. Whereas I was relieved that the ‘ghetto’ wilderness season was...
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Bree Orata
Sep 15, 20233 min read
Your Friend, The Holy Spirit
One evening, I had to prepare dinner for the family, and I couldn’t figure out what salad dressing to make with what I had on hand. I...
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Dr. Bri
Aug 31, 20232 min read
The Deceptive Dangers of "Leave What Doesn't Serve You"
Dear Friend, In a world where self-improvement mantras like "leave what doesn't serve you" have gained immense popularity, it's crucial...
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Dr. Bri
Aug 30, 20233 min read
Embrace Your True Potential Beyond Your Traditional Job
Dear Friend, In a world that often emphasizes the security of conventional jobs, we often forget the incredible gifts and talents that...
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Dr. Bri
Aug 22, 20232 min read
Choose Trust
Dear Friend Life is a journey filled with peaks and valleys, moments of joy and seasons of struggle. As Christians, we are not exempt...
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Dr. Bri
Aug 9, 20232 min read
You Must Understand What is Required of You
Dear Friend, You are built for the life you have. As I reflect on the conversations I've been having with people over the last few days,...
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Dr. Bri
Aug 8, 20232 min read
Dear Friend, Happy Tuesday! A few days ago, I released a podcast on why it's so hard to obey God, and in the episode, I realized that...
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Bree Orata
Aug 5, 20232 min read
One of the key Bible verses that speak of restoration is Joel 2:25- 27 NKJV 25 “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming...
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Bree Orata
Jul 29, 20233 min read
You Are The One
I’m sure most of us continually pray over our families, particularly for restoration from the effects of decades of negative generational...
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Pam Orata
Jul 21, 20232 min read
The Joy of the Lord
Lately, I have been reflecting on the transformation I have undergone since I took the risk and fully embraced God’s plan for my life...
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