I realized earlier this week that at the beginning of 2023, I kept dating my journal entries as 202free.
As I journey through the year through the eyes of the Holy Spirit, I realize that 2023 has brought new levels of freedom. The first half didn't look like anything exciting was happening, but it started picking up pace around June. It has been working together for my good.
I had a word from the Lord- and that word was FREE. Every day that I marked it in my journal was a reminder of the word of the Lord.
Joseph had a word (Genesis 37: 5-10)
David had a word from the Lord (1 Samuel 16: 12-13)
The nation of Israel had a word ( Exodus 6:6-8)
All the great men and women of faith in the Bible had to go by was a word from the Lord.
And that counted for everything.
As we’re going through the Let There Be challenge, we can be sure that moments of discouragement might try to creep in. We might grow weary of reciting the same 40 declarations. Things might be getting worse.
Remember the word you have from the Lord.
There is a word from the Lord in the Word of the Lord that we wrote down as part of our declarations. There are promises and prophecies embedded within our declarations.
The Psalmist talking about Joseph in Psalm 105:19 noted that until the time that his word came to pass, the Word of the Lord tested him.
We'll be tested in terms of our obedience, consecration, faithfulness, hearing and usability during this challenge.
Stand, because the time is coming where that word spoken of us MUST come to pass.
We're sure that God is not a man that He should lie. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.
God is faithful to bring to pass all that He has declared concerning us and our situations.
As long as there is a Word concerning your situation, as you speak your declarations out loud, it MUST come to pass.